
Luderitz Peninsula

Attractions "Lüderitz Peninsula Scenic Routes"
Visit the different Attractions around the bay of Lüderitz. Some routes are self drive , 2x4 and 4x4 routes. This is the little bays around the town like Grosse Bucht, Fjord, Essy Bay, Diaz Cross, the Lighthouse, Strumvogel Bucht, Kartoffel Bucht, Griffith Bay and the Speed Channel. Shark Island ha
Visit the different Attractions around the bay of Lüderitz. Some routes are self drive , 2x4 and 4x4 routes. This is the little bays around the town like Grosse Bucht, Fjord, Essy Bay, Diaz Cross, the Lighthouse, Strumvogel Bucht, Kartoffel Bucht, Griffith Bay and the Speed Channel. Shark Island have accommodation and Camping facilities, but also a day visitor picnic area. After the factories on the other side of the town, you can visit Agate Beach, which are also a Day Visitor Picnic Spot.

Bogenfels, Elizabeth Bay and other little forgotten diamond towns can only be visited with Guided Tour Operators.

Halifax Island which is the 3rd most important breeding site of the African Penguins can be visited with Penguin Tours ( under activities)

Kolmanskop can also be visited by day visitors. Special Tours can be booked with Ghost Town Tours (under activities)


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